One of the biggest concerns when it comes to your home is household hazardous materials. It can be easy to think that just because something is for residential use means there are no severe risks.
However, this is not always the case. Hazardous materials can be present in the household waste just as often as they are present in industrial waste. More products that have labels indicating that they are flammable, poison, combustible, and corrosive can be considered to be hazardous.
This includes common household products that range from non-alkaline batteries, fluorescent bulbs, and home cleaners to nail polish, aerosol cans (including deodorants and room fresheners), paint remover, driveway sealer, and pool chemicals. Other household items that can be dangerous include antifreeze and even tires.

What Are Household Hazardous Materials?
In general, hazardous waste is any trash that has the possibility of becoming dangerous to human and environmental health. If it is not disposed of properly, these hazardous materials can leak into the environment and cause untold amounts of damage.
Household hazardous wastes are, as the name suggests, hazardous wastes that can be found in residential trash. Aside from the products mentioned, household staples like laptops, old TVs, and cellphones can also be classified as hazardous wastes due to the metals and chemicals used to construct these products.
What Is The Risk of Improper Disposal?
The biggest issue that can arise if hazardous materials are improperly disposed of is that they can contaminate the environment. The damage may not be immediately visible.
However, they can cause significant damage to individuals and sanitation workers. Some ways that hazardous wastes can become an issue are by contaminating septic tanks and wastewater treatment facilities, serving as a risk to children and pets if improperly disposed of within the home, and more.
Another issue with these materials is that they cannot usually be sent for traditional recycling. While some products like old phones can be salvaged for parts and materials, in general, recycling facilities are only equipped to deal with materials like aluminum, paper, and some types of plastic. Some types of hazardous wastes not only serve as a risk to the environment but also the direct health of workers – needles and broken bulbs, for example, can cause a major issue if they find their way into a recycling facility.
Of course, this is not the case for all hazardous wastes. Some types of waste can be recycled, and this is why it is always important to take the expertise of a professional disposal service into account. They can help guide you regarding proper waste disposal.
How to Dispose of Hazardous Materials Properly
If you are looking to get rid of hazardous household waste, keep in mind that this type of waste cannot simply be dumped in the city’s landfill. As discussed, this can cause damage to both the environment as well as sanitation workers.
In order to mitigate this issue, cities often have an authorized site available for disposable of hazardous items. You can also hire a professional trash hauling service that also handles hazardous waste. These services do all the work for you – not only do they collect the waste from your home, they also dispose of the waste properly, according to legal requirements.
Final Thoughts
If you are looking to dispose of household hazardous materials in Springfield, MO, reach out to The Junk Pirates at (417) 815-5865. Not only do we collect hazardous waste, with our service, you can be confident that your waste is being disposed of properly. Give us a call, and we can get you started with a complimentary estimate to start with!